Thursday, 7 June 2012

Skyhawk shoot 3

After various trials and tribulations leading up to it, we where able to rap the main Skyhawk around 1:30. This time in addition to John we where joined by actors, Andrew Clements, Alex Willis and Guy Taylor. With Dale Morgan acting as assisting Director.

Despite an atrocious weather report, we battled on adding the rain to the script to pretend it was a deliberate creative choice.

Needless to say everyone went over and beyond the call of duty and the resulting shots pretty much speak for themselves.

Just one more shoot to go...

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Calm Before the Storm.

After a Long uphill battle we have finally found an Actress and tomorrow the major sequence of Sky hawk goes before the camera. The Cast are set, the Props are made and the locations are booked. Now my biggest fear is a giant cloud of rain set to hit us at 12:00 tomorrow. I've had write it into the script in anticipation of the worst. I only hope we can catch a break.

In other news, i've had to say goodbye to the Star of Skyhawk. My faithful Seat Ibiza, luckily we filmed all its scenes but I am still sad to see her go. She served me and my family faithfully for several years.

However Say hello to my new Peugeot 207 :)